
Supino Strategies

Helping detail-oriented professionals become big picture bosses.

In love with problem solving, but struggling
to accomplish your big picture goals?

Ready to launch a new business, but desperate
for organizational tools?

Drooling over all your data, but unsure
how to turn it into meaningful action?

Been there. Done that. Built the road map (for you).

Solutions for the Detail Lovers of the World

Honor your strengths as a detail oriented person (DOP) and master strategies to overcome your challenges with tools and guidelines built for you. From eBooks and spreadsheets to blog posts and consultations, I’ve pulled together for you all of the sustainable practices and knowledge I’ve acquired as a detail-oriented marketer, project manager, and team leader.

If there’s something you need help with, but can’t find here, send me a message and I can custom build it for you!

Tackle projects and tasks with all the nitty gritty details that make you happy, and still accomplish the big goals you’ve set for yourself.


From project management to marketing to budgeting and everything in between, these eBooks are for people looking for knowledge from real humans (not AI), how-to guides, and allll the details.


If you’re ready to get going with your project organization and reporting, download these spreadsheets. They’ll help you stay on track while giving you the detail-level features you crave.


From best practices to helpful resources, the blog contains free, reliable, and precise information organized in a way that will make your detail-oriented heart flutter.

Online Training

We get it, sometimes we just need a video to speak at us while we open up and dig into the apps and spreadsheets ourselves. These online training videos give you the content you want when you want it.

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